Profile PictureChris Dixon

Vue.js 3 & Firebase For Beginners

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Vue.js 3 & Firebase For Beginners


Vue 3 is an amazing framework for building web applications! Learn all about it in this class focused on Vue.js version 3.

Project images can be found here.

If you get stuck, you can also compare your code to the final project at various stages using the following link:

This class is completely project-based, and together we build a pizza restaurant application! Discover everything you need to know from structuring an application using pages and components to the latest features such as the Composition API and script setup. You will learn about Vue 3 reactivity, and how to make use of new and existing features including lifecycle hooks, watchers, and computed properties.

The class is designed to be friendly to developers new to Vue.js or Firebase, however, general web development knowledge is required to get the most out of this class. You should have some experience with JavaScript, either regular JavaScript or experience with another framework such as React or Vue 2.

We will cover routing to switch between pages, how to enable child routes, and using multiple named router view components.

We also make use of Firebase as a backend service for our project. We set up a database to store our orders, menu items, and user data using the latest Firestore web version 9 (modular). This database will also be in real-time, which means our project is kept up to date with any changes to the database as they happen. You will learn about many methods to create, read, update, and delete data.

Firebase authentication will also be set up to manage our users. We will enable user accounts and also multiple access levels. This will enable regular users to place orders and admin users to manage the menu items, orders, and other users.

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